All authors wishing to present papers at the 1st EAAP Workshop on Companion Animals are required to submit the title and abstract of their presentations using the online application.
The total amount of allowed characters is 2500. It comprises the title, information on the author(s) and the abstract text.
Presentations will be accepted as theatres or as posters.
In case of any questions please ask for support here.
More information and guidelines:
- An author is allowed to present two contributions. Do not submit more than two contributions per presenting author.
- Please make sure that you indicate the presenting author very carefully. Be aware that if this presenting author does not register in time, your contribution will be removed from the programme.
- If you cannot find a suitable session for the abstract, please submit to the free communications.
- Please note that session and form of presentation (oral/poster) of submitted contributions may be changed, following the decision of the EAAP Scientific Committee.
- Messages will be sent to you by EAAP; please make sure you add this address to your green list in order to avoid messages ending up in your spam box: